Low-cost miniature sensors for digital agriculture


时间:2019年7月6日(星期六)  9:00


主讲人:董良 博士

董良,教授,1999年本科毕业于西安电子科技大学电子精密仪器专业,同年免试进入清华大学攻读微电子学博士学位,研究方向为微电子机械系统(MEMS),2004年获得博士学位,博士论文获得全国百篇优秀博士学位论文。 2004年至2007年,在美国威斯康辛大学(University of Wisconsin - Madison)做博士后。2007年,在美国爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University)电子与计算机工程系做助理教授,创建微系统和生物芯片实验室。目前,董博士是该系的终身正教授,微电子研究中心副主任,也是美国能源部Ames国家实验室科学家。他目前的研究兴趣为微电子机械系统、微型传感器、生物芯片和微光学器件,以及它们在环境、农业和生物医学上的应用。他领导的实验室先后承担美国自然科学基金、能源部、农业部和工业界等20多项科研项目,总经费超过800万美元。目前,董博士已在包括Nature、ACS Nano、Advanced Materials和Lab on a Chip在内的国际刊物和会议上发表了150多篇论文。多篇会议论文(IEEE MEMS, IEEE Nanotechnology, Transducers, IEEE Sensors)获得最佳会议论文奖和提名奖,多项研究成果被包括MSNBC、Discovery、American Scientist、MIT Technology Review等世界各地数十家媒体报道,受邀做了30余次报告。2018年,他受邀在世界上最大的农业基因组学大会 – Plant and Animal Genome会议上做了45分钟的关于农业传感器的Plenary大会报告,成为26年来首个受邀在该会议做Plenary大会报告的工程研究人员。董博士曾获得NSF CAREER Award, Iowa State Early Career Engineering Faculty Research Award,  Harpole-Pentair Developing Faculty Award, Warren R. Boast Undergraduate Teaching Award等多个奖项。目前,他担任国际传感器领域权威学术期刊“传感器与执行器” (Sensors and Actuators A: Physical)的主编(Editor-in-Chief)。同时,董博士也致力于将科研成果转化为生产力,目前是一家位于美国中部的、致力于开发用于可持续性生态环境的传感器公司(EnGeniousAg)的共同创始人和首席技术执行官。



Global agriculture is facing grand challenges to ensure food security. Major improvements in crop yield are needed to accommodate population growth and climate change. While crop breeding efforts have greatly benefited from advances in genomics, high-throughput and high-resolution profiling of crop phenome associated with both genome and environments remains a major technical bottleneck. As the excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer results in significant economic cost and environmental pollution, how can our engineers help select and breed better varieties that can use nitrogen more efficiently? Also, how can we help to identify hybrids that are likely to perform better under drought stress prior to conducting large-scale, expensive yield tests?

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology has enabled numerous inexpensive microscale devices in the consumer electronics and automotive markets and also has been extensively studied to advance biomedicine and healthcare. However, MEMS sensors have been under-researched for applications in the area of plant science and agriculture that have huge social and economic impacts. In this talk, I will discuss several MEMS-based devices for high-throughput plant phenotyping and digital agriculture, including plant nutrient sensors, soil nutrient sensors, wearable plant sensors, soil water potential sensors, plant chips, and nematode sensors. These devices will facilitate breeding of crop varieties with high nitrogen and water use efficiencies, studying of plant responses under different environmental conditions, and screening of chemical resistance of agricultural nematodes. In the end, I will share some thoughts on the future of this exciting new area.





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